Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Favorite Quotes About The Dying Economy From Today's News

"It's digestion time." Jon Biele, Head of Capital Markets at Cowen and Co.

"This is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill recession. We are going through the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression," Barack Obama

"the problems are accelerating, not getting better." Barack Obama

"The good news is they are going to spend a trillion dollars, the bad news is they don't know how,"
James Cox, Managing Partner at Harris Financial Group

Geithner's speech "basically puts a spotlight on the fact that the government has no idea how to fix the problem...The economy is in deep trouble. The stimulus plan is not very stimulative. It's not addressing the real problem," Jeff buetow, Portfolio Management Consultants

“Wall Street, I think, is hoping for an easy out on this thing and there is no easy out,” Barack Obama

“We have zombie banks that are weighed down because their liabilities exceed their assets. Without a precise mechanism for addressing toxic assets, it will be difficult to increase lending.” John Kerry

“We will make mistakes. We will go through periods in which things get worse and progress is uneven or interrupted,” Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary

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