Saturday, February 7, 2009

Army Attempts to Stop Soldier Suicide with Balanced Checkbooks

Well, our Army is at it again, trying to save soldiers from suicide. Instead of admitting that sending kids off to murder and kill for an unjust cause will lead to extraordinary despair, they're preventing the increase in soldier suicide by teaching soldiers to balance checkbooks to avoid debt. Now assuming returning soldiers weren't caught up in the predatory lending schemes of bankers and that they weren't robbed blind by crazy interest rates on credit cards, still, don't you think that the choice to kill yourself is rooted directly in the moral, psychological, spiritual, and social implications of carrying out state murder for oil? If the army wants to save the lives of soldiers, hold the chicken-hawks who prayed on these kids accountable. Send Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the war criminals to the Hague.

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