Sunday, February 8, 2009

Iran Needs Nuclear Weapons to Defend Itself From Nuclear Powers or all Nations Should Disarm

Outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert claims that no Israeli government will let Iran get nukes. Benjamin Netanyahu, the leading candidate in the race to replace Olmert, has suggested that Israel would consider nuking Iran to prevent their enemy from building nuclear weapons.

Now I'm not for nukes, but as long as war-mongering Americans and Israelis have them, I say Iran should be allowed to have them too. Its only fair. If two gangs agree to meet behind the school-yard and fight with knives and one gang shows up with a gun, the other should have a gun as well.

At the end of the day, if we want to be safe, we should strip the United States, Israel, and Iran of sovereign national powers and rule the planet democratically. Likely outcome? No. More likely, before it's over, the U.S. and Israel are going to start World War 4 (or 5 depending on how you look at it.)

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