Sunday, February 1, 2009

Evangelist's Life Work Crumbles as Millions Smile

According to the Denver Post, "Once one of the nation's most popular televangelists, the Rev. Robert H. Schuller is watching his life's work crumble."

Don't these words make you smile? Knowing that evangelical Christianity can't keep it up in these times of economic collapse brings a BIG smile to my face. Praise Jesus!

Banks are collapsing. So are churches. So are right wing media empires. I hate to feel so happy...but...well...ok, I'm fine feeling good. Is this the apocalypse?

In the above-mentioned article, Schuller goes on:

"I don't see a scenario for maintaining a TV-based megachurch anymore. The days of doing that in the models of Schuller and Jimmy Swaggart and Oral Roberts are over," Schultze said. "It's amazing to me that the 'Hour of Power' was able to keep going as long as it did."

Praise be. Maybe some day all the churches will be abandoned by the religious and be used by those seeking housing, cultural alternatives, and seeking real solutions.

Oh wait, my friend Andrea Grover has already done this at The Aurora Picture Show, an alternative cinema space in Houston that showcases a broad variety of radically Independent Film.

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