Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Top Five: Why Electric Cars Are Earth Killers

1) To run electric cars you need Lithium-Ion Batteries. These require Lithium mining. That requires massive resource extraction from Bolivia that will ultimately lead us to war.

2) To run electric cars you need electricity. Just because a car isn’t run on gas doesn’t mean it's clean. The electricity will come from either hydro-electric dams that kill fish populations, coal-fired power plants that generate mad CO2 emissions and depend upon mountain-top removal which causes sludge that floods poor Appalachian communities.

3) Cars run people over. 40,000 plus people die from car accidents each year in the U.S. alone. Electric Cars will smash people and animals just as fast as gas cars.

4) People who drive cars suffer from all sorts of health problems: stress and anxiety from road-rage, obesity, back and knee problems, etc…

5) Resources that run cars are NOT renewable. First it will be Peak Oil, then Peak Coal, then Peak Lithium, etc…

What's the solution? Obvious. Ride a bike!

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