Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day to Heartbroken Queer Freedom Fighters, Lovers, and Friends

Valentines Day: a day of love and possibility, shame for single folks, gloating for coupled folks, and awkward scheduling for the polyamorous. I am happily in love today--in love with the concept of radical, queer sex, polyamory, self-righteous anarchist puritanism, hedonistic defiance, and political rejection from the progressive mainstream (who as you probably know is cheating on democratic structures and having a love affair with authoritarianism and the IRS via 501c3s.)

This year, failing to collectivize an organization I deeply love, I once again remember that political failure is normal, striving for beautiful things doesn't always work, and political breakups within movements are painful. Because I feel a bit heartbroken from my misguided love affair with liberalism and the non-profit industrial complex, this Valentines Day, I cry a little.

Nonetheless, I'm happily in love with Hillary and about a dozen other friends, am constantly inspired by folks working for social change (winners and losers alike), and long with all my heart for the romantic possibility of an egalitarian world. With these things, I am in love and will live and die for them.

This evening I am going on a date with my dearest, sweetheart Hillary, pedaling back from some fancy restaurant to a slow-dance party where Denver's finest, queer punks, anarchists, and misfits will gently rock the night back and forth like awkward middle-schoolers in love.

Ah, sweet Denver. Ah, sweet Love.

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