Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tipsy For Display

Tipsy and writing from Oberhausen Deutchland, I am quite glad. Glad for a life of privilege, of travel, of solitude. Though my privilege has been stolen and my life a scam, I am happy to know the sounds of my people, the German. I am horrified that these are my people, that my people have this heritage of fascism. Though, as an American, I must understand privilege from fascism: slavery--native genocide, these acts destroyed people, created people, created a nation of so-called freedom and liberty--bullshit. All freedom and liberty come at the expense of an other. Today, we Americans scam the poor, the immigrant, the global. This is how we maintain power--at the expense of the other.

So what do we do, as so-called revolutionaries, those who care?

We fight. Nothing. short of fighting--creating cultural suicide, matters. Nothing but the eminent destruction of privilege. I like my privilege. To life, to love, to the eradication of the U.S. empire. Fuck the U.S. Towards globalization of the majority and the death of empire! Love!

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