Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Vile Government

This New York Times article reveals that the FBI is complaining about harsh interrogation techniques used by the CIA and the U.S. Military. According to the article:

One bureau memorandum spoke of “torture techniques” used by military interrogators. Agents described seeing things like inmates handcuffed in a fetal position for up to 24 hours, left to defecate on themselves, intimidated by dogs, made to wear women’s underwear and subjected to strobe lights and extreme heat and cold.

Clearly, the people in charge of our government act without regard for human dignity. Do they fail to recall that what goes around comes around? Bad behavior, unethical disregard for others, these never lead to just outcomes. Our government must stop engaging in grotesquely unethical behavior and must pay for its crimes through retribution to those it has harmed. Rather than soldiers, those in leadership should be held accountable for mass murder, torture, and crimes against humanity-in short, they should be condemned as war criminals and face the highest penalties of international court.

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