Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Obama Vote Forgives Corporate Crime

According to the New York Times, Senator Obama voted for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, a bill that expands the U.S. government's surveillance abilities and gives legal immunities to phone companies who broke the law and assisted the National Security Agency's post 9/11 wiretapping program. Supporting a law that sets a precedent giving corporations the right to violate constitutional rights, Obama demonstrated his commitment to an authoritarian state, corporate-state complicity, and an inability to stand up to corporate and government power. While John McCain failed to vote, as he was busy schmoozing on the campaign trail, he has been an outspoken supporter of the bill. Both leading candidates want to appease corporate criminals and government criminals alike. This alone is a reason to reject our criminal state and the two capitalist parties that lead it.

When I am asked why I am not an unconditional supporter of Obama, his Free Market rhetoric, vote for wiretapping, and vote for the War in Iraq all demonstrate a commitment to corporations over human liberties and lives. Such commitments fail to attract me.

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