Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Tyranny of the Majority

There are some people who think that masses of people should dictate that which is good verses that which is bad. These people tend to think that they are "average joe," the norm. Of course, this is a silly notion. "Average Joe," the heteronormative, white, able-bodied, male identified, middle class, overly-privileged American is a fantasy of the fascist imagination, grounded in normalcy, the dictum of the status quo--a self-important minority. In fact, majorities cannot determine what is good--only what they are trained to perceive as "entertaining." Entertainment is the spoonful of sugar that makes our eminent environmental, economic, global destruction"go down." I prefer cultures of minorities that the majority would reject, destroy. These minority cultures contain the keys to gates of liberation. Whether in underground hiphop, experimental cinema, video art, queer culture, or attacks on notions of "truth," a patchwork of minority cultures is the blueprint of revolutionary possibility. United, minoritarian cultures will destroy the authoritarianism of capitalist aesthetics and create possibility as we move towards the future (if we are lucky...yikes!) In the meantime, let's hope some hot, naked Spanish anarchists strike the snakes of fascism and allow some obscure cultures to prevail. Fuck Authoritarianism. Fuck Freely!

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