Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Politics Beyond Self-Consumption

Unable to legitimately attack the people destroying the world, various stripes of Leftists devour each other regularly. Metaphoric bloodlust haunts people from various parts of the political spectrum. Pacifists consume militants. Militants consume each other. The ruling class maintains its power.

Most frustrating to me is the inability of ideologues to accept a political strategy of addition. The word and is the only word I'm aware of that can keep us moving forward. Pacifism and militant struggle and lifestyle shifts and organizing and direct action and rhetorical strategy, and etc... and etc... and etc...

Sadly, people prefer to take the either or, the dialectical, the contradictory and play it out on the irrelevant level of Left-bickering. Either pacifism or nothing. Either radicalism or nothing. Either direct action or nothing.

These binding either-or attitudes destroy possibility, create fissures and feed into strategies of capitalism, state-ism, and oppression.

Impossibly irrelevant, the contemporary Left must stop nibbling on its own flesh and focus its rage towards the targets that deserve it. Our common hatred of oppression and our common love of liberation can help us rise above auto-cannibalism and direct our energy towards building the world we want to see and destroying the people and tools of oppression. Let's eat the fruits of revolution, not our own guts.

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