Monday, June 23, 2008

Life is Queer!

What a weekend! My roomie just got back from Allied Media Conference which sounded amazing. I spent the day at a coalition meeting of folks organizing for the Democratic National Convention. This morning Hillary and I went to the pride parade which gets more corporate, more electoral, and less queer every year. Before that, we attended an early morning brunch with the Colorado Anti-Violence Program. Last night we paid too much damn money to dance at Tracks, had a beer at the Wrangler, and Bart and I went to a summer solstice celebration with the Radical Faeries. So much is going on--so much fraught with possibility and problematics. Also I read an incredible critique of convention organizing by Cindy Milstein.
My desire is that in all the creativity, the organizing, the relationships developed, the critiques formed and either dismissed or acted upon, that we are beginning to see a growth of possibility, networked social movements that can last long beyond the Democratic National Convention, the fall of the United States, and the generations that will follow our own. Whatever else, Happy Pride. Life sure is queer.

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