Friday, November 30, 2007

Shutting Down Party Conventions Every Day of the Year

As we organize for the protests against the Democratic National Convention and Republican National Convention, its important to remember that a few huge direct actions a year will not create the necessary political shift away from this corporate controlled oligarchy, the two-party, colonial system. Every day we need to be engaging and sustaining direct action responses against grotesque corporate slime, the two-party system. As we discuss how to best shut down the conventions, lets find ways to shut them down in our own mind, in our own community, every time so-called representatives dance with capitalists and neglect communities. Before the conventions, lets escalate a series of direct actions, humorous interventions, radical reveling, and passionate protest that will inspire, educate, and reinvigorate each others sense of possibility, revolutionary desires, hope. The best way we can do this is by forming small affinity groups and creating spectacle at every turn.

Checkout Starhawk's article on Affinity Groups

Lets liberate Democratic Party members from Corporate Oligarchy and ask them to join us in creating a world we want to live in!

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