Wednesday, November 7, 2007

House Passes Bullshit Version of ENDA

For those following the House attempt to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act that includes both sexual orientation and gender identity, I have some BAD BAD NEWS! The House passed a modified version of the bill that failed to include employment discrimination based on gender identity. This is a huge loss for the queer community and transgendered people in particular. 350 LGBTQ organizations refused to endorse a bill that did not include gender-identity discrimination. To those lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered organizations that refused to split gender identity and sexual orientation, you kick ass. The Democratic House has once again failed the queer community and faked having a civil rights agenda while simultaneously splitting sexual orientation from gender identity. To the single-minded people at the Human Rights Campaign who read this as a victory, shame on you for continuing to ignore the plight of transgendered people. Your lack of opposition to the sexual orientation only version of EDNA aided its passing. This is a loss. Stop celebrating.

Couch Potato Revolution

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