Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Debt Collectors Ravage the Dead; Only Zombie Army Can Stop Them

Imagine, you just got put 6 feet under or scattered in the wind. Some Rabbi or Preacher just finished off your sermon and your loved ones celebrated that you'd finally rest in peace.

But not for long.

The New York Times reported today that getting payback from the relatives of corpses is the new frontier of debt collection. Not even the dead and grieving are safe from the greedy claws of money lenders.

So if your lover just killed himself cause he couldn't pay off those cards and thought everybody would be better off, guess what? Boy he was wrong. The phone starts ringing and the capitalist creeps start knocking on your door.

According to The NY Times:

Dozens of specially trained agents work on the third floor of DCM Services here, calling up the dear departed’s next of kin and kindly asking if they want to settle the balance on a credit card or bank loan, or perhaps make that final utility bill or cellphone payment.

Neither grief, morals, nor common sense stand in the way of collection agencies.

Only an army of zombies could stop these lenders from their necrophiliac collection mandates. Please bankers. Stop fucking the dead.

1 comment:

Justine said...

Oh my god, there's a lot of helpful info above!