Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy MLK Day Anyway!

It is a warm spring-like day, Martin Luther King Jr. day, the day before the inauguration of Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States of America, a cease-fire between Israel and Palestine has been called, and Israeli troops claim to be withdrawing. Today is a tentatively peaceful day, gentle, a day for cleaning-up bloodbaths in Palestine and for celebrating the end of the last 8 years of the United States Presidency.

It is also a day of occupations--hundreds of them. Police swarming neighborhoods, two-million people rotting in cages, Iraq and Afghanistan flooded with US troops, Palestine destroyed, environmental devastation on Native lands, fences in Israel and fences on the US-Mexico Border.

How do we reconcile ourselves with this consistent, enormous violence and these feelings of peace?

We live, we breath, we fight, we die. Sometimes we enjoy a pleasant day as a background for our tears and our struggle. Sometimes we laugh anyways.

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