Monday, March 26, 2007

Greenwald Stencils My Block!!!

So I was riding my bike today, just by my house, and I came across a stencil that said GOOGLE in big letters. I was hoping for some street art critiquing the largest Internet search engine. Instead, what I found, was a graffitied advertisement for Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices. You can see the stencil to the right. Greenwald's team has become masterly at grassroots promotions. This is a sign of an even higher level of street smART skills!

I'm also quite happy that someone out there put this piece up despite the Denver Police Department's silly, wasteful crackdown on graffiti and the Denver Post's ridiculous reporting trying to connect graffiti to murder! Hell yeah, Greenwald--keep on sprayin'!

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